Support for Belize’s National Energy Use Survey 2022

The need for robust energy statistics as a basis for informed energy planning is acknowledged by all the stakeholders in the energy sector of Belize as not only necessary but also a challenging objective. Therefore, the Energy Unit of the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy & Logistics, in collaboration with BEL started the process for a data collection for the use of energy, which is financed by the Global Environmental Fund, through the World Bank in the framework of the “Energy Resilience for Climate Change Adaptation Project”. This National Energy Use Survey will create a set of reliable data for the energy consumption in all the sectors of activity in the country and will be used to support energy policy and planning for a sustainable future.

The National Energy Use Survey will cover all the sectors of the economy in Belize and provide a detailed picture of the breakdown of the consumption of each energy product in the different sub-sectors and geographical areas. The survey will cover the enterprises through a questionnaire that will be distributed to a sample of almost 2000 establishments spread around the country and covering all the sectors of economic activity.

Visit Belize’s National Energy Use Survey 2022 | Facebook for more information.

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