
Welcome to your COVID-19 Vaccination Survey 2021 (Individual)

What is your age? ¿Cuál es tu edad?
What is your gender? ¿Cuál es su genéro?
Where do you reside? ¿Dónde vive?
Did you take the COVID-19 Vaccine? ¿Tomaste la vacuna covid?
If no, why aren’t you vaccinated? ¿Si no, por qué?

Welcome to your COVID-19 Vaccination Survey 2021 (Corporate)

What is the number of employees in your enterprise?
Where is your business located?
What is the industry sector of your enterprise?
Has your company adopted any policy or practice to encourage and/incentivize your employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine?
If you answered “NO” to Question No. 4A, could you kindly select the reason(s) why below:
If you answered “YES” to Question No. 4A, what type of policies/programs have you implemented?
What percentage of your employees have taken the COVID-19 Vaccine?